The director of Ershad Bureau in Paweh threatened Kurdish cultural activists and poets
17:42 - 1 September 2018

Kurdistan Press Agency (Kurdpa): The director of Ershad Bureau in Paweh threatened Kurdish cultural activists and poets in an awards ceremony holding to praise Osman Hoeami, a national legend in Kurdish singing.
According to a reliable source, on August 29, in an awards ceremony holding to praise Osman Hoeami, a national legend in Kurdish singing, Hedayat Mahmoodi, the director of Ershad Bureau in Paweh slammed a poetry reading recently held by a cultural organization called ‘Qalami Hawcharkhi Kurd’ (Kurdish contemporary writers).
Threatening Kurdish cultural activists and poets, Mahmoodi said: “Nobody should be allowed to say their poems and texts. Any poem or text should be carefully edited and censored”.
“We must not allow anyone in Paweh to pass the red lines of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, he added.
“The Iranian government has trusted me, so I don’t allow holding these kinds of poetry readings ruin my career and someone cast aspersion on my loyalty”, he emphasized.
Recently, a poetry reading was held by ‘Qalami Hawcharkhi Kurd’ (Kurdish contemporary writers) in Paweh. Dozens Kurdish cultural activists and poets from different Kurdish cities attended the event during which a poet read a poem in which he mentioned Kurdish liberation movement’ resistance symbols.
A Kurdish cultural activist told Kurdistan Press Agency that what had made this Iranian official angry is using those symbols.
“After the poetry reading, the Ershad Bureau in Paweh has put ‘Qalami Hawcharkhi Kurd’ under pressure to give them the identity of that poet aimed at arresting him on trumped-up charges,” our source added.
According to a reliable source, on August 29, in an awards ceremony holding to praise Osman Hoeami, a national legend in Kurdish singing, Hedayat Mahmoodi, the director of Ershad Bureau in Paweh slammed a poetry reading recently held by a cultural organization called ‘Qalami Hawcharkhi Kurd’ (Kurdish contemporary writers).
Threatening Kurdish cultural activists and poets, Mahmoodi said: “Nobody should be allowed to say their poems and texts. Any poem or text should be carefully edited and censored”.
“We must not allow anyone in Paweh to pass the red lines of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, he added.
“The Iranian government has trusted me, so I don’t allow holding these kinds of poetry readings ruin my career and someone cast aspersion on my loyalty”, he emphasized.
Recently, a poetry reading was held by ‘Qalami Hawcharkhi Kurd’ (Kurdish contemporary writers) in Paweh. Dozens Kurdish cultural activists and poets from different Kurdish cities attended the event during which a poet read a poem in which he mentioned Kurdish liberation movement’ resistance symbols.
A Kurdish cultural activist told Kurdistan Press Agency that what had made this Iranian official angry is using those symbols.
“After the poetry reading, the Ershad Bureau in Paweh has put ‘Qalami Hawcharkhi Kurd’ under pressure to give them the identity of that poet aimed at arresting him on trumped-up charges,” our source added.