The Addiction Treatment Camps Are Promoting Moral Corruption in Iran

16:20 - 2 November 2011
Kurdpa - Based on a report by semiofficial Fars News Agency related to the addiction treatment camps; despite claims by the relevant agencies to oversee the health camps in Iran, moral corruption and drug abuse in the camps continues.

Following the agreement ​​between The Welfare Organization and The Re-birth Population Centers in 2006, those who are in charges of these camps should be purity of the drugs for five years.

This report stated that most of these camps pay no attentions to the medical protocols, and their illegal activities caused great concerns for the drug addicted families.
\"Camp officials according to the drug addicts’ conditions, abuse the rules and demand amount of $350 for each period of course. When we complain about the condition, they claimed that there will be the ladies with you during the course\", One of those drug addicts who had referred to the camps said to the Fars news agency.

According to the official statistics the number of official centers for drug addicts are 250 in Iran, but based on official’s statements there are around 800 unofficial centers which are working illegally. There are 4 millions drug addicts in Iran based on domestic and international statistics.