Piranshar: Kurdish Teacher Removed for Involvement in Cultural Activities
01:31 - 9 July 2015

Kurdpa: The job of a Kurdish teacher in the city of Piranshar has been threatened by the city’s Board of Education for his involvement in cultural activities.
According to the information obtained by a Kurdpa reporter based in the city, Abed Parvizi, an English Language instructor and the Deputy Director of middle schools in Piranshar has been under pressure from the Board.
A source,who spoke to Kurdpa on the condition of anonymity, stated that it has been several days since Parvizi was stripped from his deputy position by Musa Rasouli, the Board’s Director and his boss.
The source further added that Parvizi has been informed to refrain from any cultural activities.
Parivizi has a Master’s degree in management and he is the founder of two NGOs in the city. He has been highly active in organizing cultural and literary events.
Parvizi has also been one of the founders of an English learning centre in the city, as well.
The intimidation placed on the cultural activist coincides with the latest attempts by the Intelligence Office of Wurme (West Azerbijan) Province to put pressure on cultural activists to hamper their activities.
Several days ago, Kurdpa had reported that the security offices of Wurme Province in the city of Wurme, and several other cities, have summoned more than 50 cultural activists so far.
One of the activists summoned told Kurdpa that, “We have been asked to limit our activities”.
According to the activist, who spoke to Kurdpa on the condition of anonymity, more than 50 people have been questioned by security agencies, and among those names there are some civil servants included, as well.
Writing by Kurdpa Staff Writers and editing by Sharmin Hassaniani.
According to the information obtained by a Kurdpa reporter based in the city, Abed Parvizi, an English Language instructor and the Deputy Director of middle schools in Piranshar has been under pressure from the Board.
A source,who spoke to Kurdpa on the condition of anonymity, stated that it has been several days since Parvizi was stripped from his deputy position by Musa Rasouli, the Board’s Director and his boss.
The source further added that Parvizi has been informed to refrain from any cultural activities.
Parivizi has a Master’s degree in management and he is the founder of two NGOs in the city. He has been highly active in organizing cultural and literary events.
Parvizi has also been one of the founders of an English learning centre in the city, as well.
The intimidation placed on the cultural activist coincides with the latest attempts by the Intelligence Office of Wurme (West Azerbijan) Province to put pressure on cultural activists to hamper their activities.
Several days ago, Kurdpa had reported that the security offices of Wurme Province in the city of Wurme, and several other cities, have summoned more than 50 cultural activists so far.
One of the activists summoned told Kurdpa that, “We have been asked to limit our activities”.
According to the activist, who spoke to Kurdpa on the condition of anonymity, more than 50 people have been questioned by security agencies, and among those names there are some civil servants included, as well.
Writing by Kurdpa Staff Writers and editing by Sharmin Hassaniani.