Nowsud border; Two Kolbars were wounded by gunfire from the border guards

17:13 - 16 June 2021

On Monday, June 14th, two Kurdish Kolbars named "Bashir Ahmadzadeh" and "Basir Ahmadzadeh" from the village of "Dasheh" in the city of Paveh were wounded by border guards at the Nowsud border.

 These two Kolbars, who are brothers, were shot directly by border guards along with a group of Kolbars without any prior notice.

 In this incident, Bashir Ahmadzadeh was severely injured in the leg and Basir Ahmadzadeh was severely injured in the head.

 These two Kolbars were transferred to Paveh Hospital for medical treatment and then Basir Ahmadzadeh was transferred to a hospital in Kermanshah due to his poor physical condition.

 The two Kolbars are married and have children.