Jabar Veisi, Kolbar (porter) from Salas-e Babajani, died due to the severity of his injuries
22:59 - 2 February 2024

On January 31, 2024, a Kurdish Kolbar (porter) named "Jabar Veisi" who was severely injured by the shooting of government forces on the Nowsoud border, died in Taleghani Hospital in Kermanshah.
According to an informed source, this 30-year-old Kolbar was severely injured by the shooting of government forces in the head and face and was hospitalized in the ICU of Taleghani Hospital in Kermanshah.
The informed source added: The bullets had penetrated the brain of this Kolbar and he died as a result of the severity of the injuries.
Jabar Veisi is from the village of "Joujar" in the suburbs of Salas-e Babajani City, who was severely injured by the shooting of government forces on the Nouwoud border.