Marivan: 22 days of detention and absolute unawareness of the fate of Dalir Zahedipour, environmental and social activist

Despite 22 days since the arrest of Dalir Zahedipour, an environmental and social activist from Marivan, no information is available about his fate.
According to a source informed to Kurdepa; since the arrest, the environmental activist has been deprived of the right to contact and meet with the family as well as having a lawyer.
Lack of knowledge of the fate of the 45-year-old citizen has caused severe family concern and no institution has ever been held accountable to the family.
On January 26, 2024, Dalir Zahedipour was arrested and transferred to an unknown location without providing a judicial sentence outside the home. Security forces have recorded and taken the citizens with them while detaining a cell phone and personal car.
So far, there has been no exact information about the arrest and charges against Mr. Zahedipour.