Bokan intelligence forces raid the homes of three members of the Quran school

February 2024; According to the Telegram channel of the Quran School Management Council, in recent days, Bokan intelligence forces raided the homes of three members of this school named Mohi al-Din Mohammadzadeh, Karim Norouzi, and Farrokh Hosseini and searched the house and confiscated their personal belongings.
The Quran School Management Council, referring to the "terror and horror maneuver" of the intelligence forces against the members of the Quran school in Bokan, wrote:
Near the Maghrib prayer, six intelligence vehicles raided the house of Kak Mohi al-Din Mohammadzadeh and after searching the house, they "stole" notebooks, books, laptops, and phones.
Also, after Kak Karim Norouzi applied for a landline phone to the telecommunications office, the next day the intelligence forces attacked his house, and after searching the house, they "stole" some books, notebooks, laptops, and phones of his children.
On the other hand, five intelligence vehicles arrive at the door of Kak Farrokh Hosseini's house and after introducing themselves as gas meter readers behind the intercom, they rush into the house as soon as the door opens; while only his wife and children are present in the house, they broke the locks of the cabinets and displayed "power, strength and Islamic ethics !!!" in front of the terrified children.
At the end of this council, "while condemning these repeated encounters - which the Sunni people of Kurdistan have been familiar with for more than four decades -" declares; "As before, he is steadfast on his religious path."