Finding Kurdistan by Hawreh Haddadi
12:32 - 20 November 2018

Finding Kurdistan was released and published in the United States of America in October 2018. After many years of hard work, Hawreh decided to publish a book on his experiences in Iran and especially on his trip back to Kurdistan in 2010. He felt it was important to share his experiences with everyone who may not be aware of the situation in the middle east and, in particular, the poor treatment of millions of Kurds. While visiting his homeland it became clear that, unfortunately, Americans have a far more prosperous and safer life than the Kurds.
1.What was one of the reasons you decided to write this book?
I didn’t like that people didn’t know much about the Kurds or Kurdistan. Why did this have to be this way? People easily recognize countries like Canada, France, Italy, and Israel, but Kurdistan, too many Americans, isn’t even locatable or well understood. I wanted to do my part in spreading awareness to the Kurdish situation. It’s a shame that millions of Kurds have to live in a region that doesn’t respect their existence. I hope this book will bring some attention to that region and give the Kurds more media converge.
2.What is the end goal in publishing this book?
Hawreh HaddadiThe end goal is to bring more attention to the Kurds and assist the communities that need western support, whether its political, economic or humanitarian assistance. It’s really unclear how impactful this book will be. Nobody really knows or can predict such measures. One thing is clear though, if every Kurd does their part in spreading awareness on the issues that relate to the Kurds and Kurdistan, it will be much easier to have a country recognized and respected globally. I believe that working together with partners and allies will make this a more plausible goal.
3.Why did you decide to name the book Finding Kurdistan?
It just made sense to me. I found Kurdistan in 2010 and fell in love with it. The people, their culture, their warm hospitality was all just unique to me. I found out a lot about the Kurds that year and it became clear that Kurdistan was more than just a dream. It’s a real place where millions of people live; I have proof that Kurdistan is alive and awake. The title just made sense to me and hopefully, the reader will also find Kurdistan in their hearts and maybe one day be able to travel there.
4.What topics does this book talk about?
The book is more than 200 pages long and brings to light a lot of issues. The first part of the book gives a brief overview of the Kurds and Kurdistan. It goes over recent historical events, cultural and geography explanations, as well as, regional political hardships. The second part of the book reads smoothly like a memoir. It explains the journey my family and I took while vacationing in Kurdistan-Iran in 2010. The reader takes the front seat and sees exactly what I saw that very summer. It was clear women were treated differently in Iran. I rarely saw them outside after the sunset. It also became clear that politics was forbidden. People feared to talk about Kurdish rights and even sounding too patriotic. The Iranian government uses censorship to contain knowledge and information from reaching its own people. The reality is the Iranian government fears its people more than it fears western powers. I even saw the brutality and cruelty of the Iranian regime while visiting Iran. For two days my family and I were threatened and accused of spying for the U.S. government.
5.Where was this book published?
This book was published in the United States in October 2018. It went through a publisher in the state of New Hampshire: Piscataqua Press. More Information on this book is available on Amazon and Facebook.
1.What was one of the reasons you decided to write this book?
I didn’t like that people didn’t know much about the Kurds or Kurdistan. Why did this have to be this way? People easily recognize countries like Canada, France, Italy, and Israel, but Kurdistan, too many Americans, isn’t even locatable or well understood. I wanted to do my part in spreading awareness to the Kurdish situation. It’s a shame that millions of Kurds have to live in a region that doesn’t respect their existence. I hope this book will bring some attention to that region and give the Kurds more media converge.
2.What is the end goal in publishing this book?

3.Why did you decide to name the book Finding Kurdistan?
It just made sense to me. I found Kurdistan in 2010 and fell in love with it. The people, their culture, their warm hospitality was all just unique to me. I found out a lot about the Kurds that year and it became clear that Kurdistan was more than just a dream. It’s a real place where millions of people live; I have proof that Kurdistan is alive and awake. The title just made sense to me and hopefully, the reader will also find Kurdistan in their hearts and maybe one day be able to travel there.
4.What topics does this book talk about?
The book is more than 200 pages long and brings to light a lot of issues. The first part of the book gives a brief overview of the Kurds and Kurdistan. It goes over recent historical events, cultural and geography explanations, as well as, regional political hardships. The second part of the book reads smoothly like a memoir. It explains the journey my family and I took while vacationing in Kurdistan-Iran in 2010. The reader takes the front seat and sees exactly what I saw that very summer. It was clear women were treated differently in Iran. I rarely saw them outside after the sunset. It also became clear that politics was forbidden. People feared to talk about Kurdish rights and even sounding too patriotic. The Iranian government uses censorship to contain knowledge and information from reaching its own people. The reality is the Iranian government fears its people more than it fears western powers. I even saw the brutality and cruelty of the Iranian regime while visiting Iran. For two days my family and I were threatened and accused of spying for the U.S. government.
5.Where was this book published?
This book was published in the United States in October 2018. It went through a publisher in the state of New Hampshire: Piscataqua Press. More Information on this book is available on Amazon and Facebook.