Expulsion of Military Forces causes the Death of Two Citizens

12:47 - 18 January 2014
Kurdistan Press Agency: Two Kurdish Citizen from ‘Pawa’ have been killed and injured as their car has overthrown while getting chased by the military forces.

According to the report achieved by Kurdistan Press Agency, on Thursday, December 12, two Kurdish Citizens whose names ‘’ Mobin Rashidi’’ and ‘’Kaiwan Moradi’’ and while passing through Nawsood -Narwi passage were got exiled by the military forces, and as a result, their car has got overthrown in a place called ‘’ Sarko’’.

As a consequence of the car’s upside down, “Mobin Rashidi’’ who 34 years old, from ‘Darian’’ Village in Pawa has lost his life. To be mentioned, ‘’Kaiwan Moradi’’ 24 years old who was with him in the car has gotten injured severely.

According to an aware source, military forces have chased these two citizens doubting them to have transporting not allowed materials.

According to the registered Statistics in the Kurdistan Press Agency Data Center, at the beginning of November till now (52 days), 11 Kurdish Citizens have been victimized in the streets by the direct shot and expulsion of military forces of Iranian Government.

Also, according to the same statistics, 7 Kurdish Citizens have been killed and the 4 others have been injured as a total of those 11 victims.