A sculptor summoned to Intelligence Service in Mariwan

21:11 - 1 October 2018
Kurdistan Press Agency (Kurdpa): A sculptor was summoned and interrogated by the Iranian Intelligence Service in Mariwan.

According to reports received by our agency, a Kurdish sculptor, Adnan Ghaderi, from Yangija village in the city of Mariwan, was summoned by the Iranian Intelligence Service in Mariwan.

The reason behind his summons has been reported as his recent work, which is a sculpture of Shareef Bajoor.

Adnan Ghaderi was released after a few hours interrogation.

A few days ago, Adnan Ghaderi and Aram Bamdad, from Ne village in the same city, in a joint work created a sculpture of Shareef Bajoor to honor his environmental activities.

On the 25th of August, four environmental activists, all of them from Mariwan, died while they were trying to put a blaze at Mariwan forest under control. Sharif Bajoor, Omid Hohnepooshi, Rahmat Hakiminia and Mohammad Pajoohi lost their lives in their effort to tackle a blaze at the forest around Pile and Selsi in Mariwan.

Sharif Bajoor, 47, son of Bayazid, was one of the well-known activists in Kurdistan. In 2016, Sharif, in a protesting effort, pedaled all the road from Mariwan to Tehran under the slogan of ‘non-violence is the victorious way of humanity’.