A Kurdish student barred from study

23:19 - 29 September 2018
Kurdistan Press Agency (Kurdpa): A Kurdish student, from the city of Jwanro (Jwanrood), located in Kirmashan (Kermanshah) province, was barred from study due to “problem in the case”.

According to reliable sources, A Kurdish student, Masoud Karimi, from the city of Jwanro, was barred from study due to something described by the Measurement Organization as “existent problem in the case”.

Masoud had sat the entrance exam for an MA in Political Science and gained the 20th highest marks.

A week before announcing the test results, the Intelligence Service in Kirmashan had summoned and interrogated him, our source said.

The Iranian Intelligence forces had warned him that he would be deprived from continuing study due to his activities.

The Iranian Intelligence forces has ordered to bar him from study; the Measurement Organization had announced that he is a starred student and is not able to sign up for university, our source reported.

The term of “starred students” or “students marked with star” is used to describe those students in Iran’s universities who are barred from study because of their political beliefs and activities against the regime.

It was during Ahmadinejad’s Presidency that this term was used for the first time. According to statistics published by human rights organizations, more than one thousand students have been barred from study during the last eight years.