A Kurdish Kolbar shot wounded in Sardasht

21:26 - 14 October 2018
Kurdistan Press Agency: A Kurdish Kolbar (porter) was shot wounded by Iranian military forces in border regions of Sardasht, located in Urmia Province.

According to our correspondent on the ground, a group of Kurdish Kolbars was ambushed by Iranian military forces in a village called Baryaji in the city of Sardasht a few days ago. One of the Kolbars, Rasoul Seraji, was shot wounded.

Injured in the back, Rasoul was transferred to a hospital in Urmia. His wounded has been reported as critical by doctors.

In another incident, Iranian military forces opened fire on another groups of Kolbars near Dinaran village in Sardasht, leaving two Kolbars, Kamal GHaderiyan, 28, and Omid Salehpour, 23, injured.

Both Kamal GHaderiyan and Omid Salehpour were wounded in their legs.