15 female students banned from mid-term registration

20:21 - 26 October 2011
Kurdpa - After Hossein Saleh Nejad, the former head of the Science and Industrial University Bassij Department was appointed as the head of the School of Architecture at this university, a wave of insulting treatments of students started at this university.
In his latest measure, this university official, who has close ties to security forces, banned 15 female students, who had not participated in the mandatory Chastity and Veil Session, from mid-term registration at the university.
In last week’s mandatory session which was held for female students, Saleh Zadeh threatened students and told them that if they do not follow the Hijab and chastity rules, they will be dealt with.
He said that that meant that they had to ‘cover their whole body except for their faces and that they had to cover their hands all the way to their wrists. He also said that un-academic mixing of in the university was banned.
In this session, he announced that male and female students should not call each other by their ‘first names’ and ‘be noisy while talking and laughing’.