Weekly Report: 30 cases of Human Rights Violation at Iranian Kurdish Areas During 3rd week of August 2013
22:19 - 22 August 2013

For the sake of revealing human rights violation, Kurdistan Press Agency attempts to issue and publish a report twice a month under the name of ‘Perspective of the Week’
In 3rd week of August 2013, the report of the week “perspective of the week”, Kurdistan Press Agency tackles 30 cases of Human Rights Violations at Kurdish areas which are 5 cases of political prisoners’ hunger strike, 15 cases of moving Kurdish religious prisoners from prison to another, 4 cases of detention and having got no news about their conditions, 4 cases of sentences and 2 more cases of injuring Kurdish weight holders by the direct shooting of military forces of Islamic Republic of Iran.
Direct shooting by Iranian government forces:
Investigating the latest published reports about ambush and direct shooting on Kurdish weight holders by Iranian forces:
Last week, following two cases of straight shot and ambushed by the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Kurdish weight holders in “Sarouabad” Marivan and \"Nyvchvan\" two of them were injured.
On Saturday 9th of August, as a result of ambushed and direct shot on Kurdish weight holders by Islamic forces of Iran in “Qalhachi” which located in Saruabad Mariwan a Kurdish weight holder whose name is “Bahman” was wounded.
According to a source, as a result of direct firing of Iranian Government in an ambush a Kurdish weight holder from “Darnagh” Village was wounded and moved to Mariwan hospital.
In this regard, on Tuesday 12 of August 2013, a Kurdish weight holder who was Osman Nabipor 28 and from “Niwchwan” Sardasht with some others was hit by direct bullet and severely wounded.
Human rights activists announced that the Kurdish weight holder after being injured by Iranian forces arrested and due to his bad health condition was sent to a health center in Urmia.
In a recorded statistics from the statistical center of Kurdistan Press Agency, at the beginning of this month till now, 7weight holders were killed by direct shot of Iranian forces and 1 was killed.
In the published reports last week pressures, hunger strike and moving Kurdish political prisoners. This report deals with this issue.
Physical and health conditions of “Jalal Nasry” and “Qasim Rahimi Azar” after 6 days of hunger strike was getting worse and worse and moved to the nearest health center in Mahabad.
These two Kurdish Political Prisoners after spending four days on hunger strike were moved by the prison officials from their jail to solitary jails. They are suffering from kidney and Tuberculosis and for the time being the relevant institutions have not address any physical conditions.
Continuing on hunger strike by Political prisoners:
Two of the prisoners in the cities of Bandar Abbas and Mahabd the reaction to their bad health conditions and the behavior of security forces in Mahabad prison went on hunger strike.
In this regard, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran about the beating and pressuring political prisoners stated that: Karim Musazade political prisoner in Bandar Abbas prison was moved from division of labor to the prison where prisoners of dangerous crime have been kept.
This member of the young scholars was arrested Aug. 2009 by intelligence forces.
The reasons behind transferring this Kurdish political activist to the prison of dangerous crimes of Bandar Abbas was refusing entering into prohibited prisons after that the vice President and Head Protection Inspection prison worker in front of the prison, he is severely beaten because of that he went on hunger strike for six days.
Karim Musazade and Amir Talibyfar were accused of war against God and memberhip in one of Kurdish political party, sentenced to six years imprisonment and exiled to Bandar Abbas and Zahidan prisons and they were kept in the prison which was build for dangerous criminals.

The student activist imprisoned by the authorities pretext call Khidr (north) out Iran is under pressure as he has got in touch with foreign media.
Also, Seyed Sami Huseiny a Kurdish political prisoner incarcerated in the prison of Urmia to protest the move to section 4 went on hunger strike in prison.
This political prisoner who was saved from being executed last year, in oppose to his movement to Urumia prison in which detainees with crimes of murder, went on hunger strike on Monday the twenty-first of August.
Rather than respond to the objections of his prison, he was transferred to solitary confinement in prison.
Continuing pressure on Kurdish ideological prisoners:
Following reviling the statistics of Kurdish elder prisoners from prison in Karaj , thereby transferring some to other prisons to other Kurdish areas of Iran.
Bureau of Prisons and the justice system in any number of Sunni prisoners in Karaj prison to other prisons, particularly in the Kurdish regions of the country moved to the west of the country.
The identity and location of 15 Sunni prisoners transported to Karaj are as follows:
In a recorded statistics from the statistical center of Kurdistan Press Agency, at the beginning of this year till now, 22 Kurdish Political Prisoners in resist to their bad conditions and pressure on them went on hunger strike and 58 more moved to other prisons and solitary ones.
In the third week of July 4 cases of detentions in the Kurdish regions were reported that we are explaining them:
Tuesday, August 22, a Kurdish citizen \"Rashid Rasoulian\" who lives in \"Connie myrrh\" neighbor city of Sardasht, was arrested by security forces of the Islamic regime of Iran.
Despite the Iranian government\'s security forces searched his home, \"Rashid Rasoulian\", he has been detained and transferred to unknown location.
The wife is said to be a citizen, called \"Q. A.\" victims summoned to the Intelligence Ministry and interrogated for several hours and then released. This is cased fear among people by the Information Office.
Also, on Tuesday, August, a citizen living in the neighborhood, \"Gvlshn\" whose name was \"Sarkawt Salvati, 32 years old\" has been detained by security forces and taken to an unknown location.
According to informed sources, the security forces in Sanandaj after his arrest, the search of his home and all his belongings to his computer, and took some of his personal documents
The continued detentions:
Security forces arbitrarily warfare for several consecutive times enters into a Kurdish citizen\'s home who was from Sardasht whose name was Abdullah Abdi and took him to information office.
This Kurdish citizen had spent 12 hours in the Intelligence office.
A member of this family claims that he was arrested due to his political activities that led to more pressure and brutality of security forces.
On the other hand, a Kurdish weight holder from Darake\\ Hawraman was detained by armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Last week\'s 20 Kurdish weight holders who were from Darake village which belongs to Sarouabad were ambushed by troops of the Government of Iran and consequently one of them “Behrooz Rezaee” was detained.
In a recorded statistics from the statistical center of Kurdistan Press Agency, at the beginning of this year till now, 263 Kurdish citizens were detained by Iran’s military forces.
Checking the latest reports about issuing sentences to journalists and Kurdish activists during the past week:
A Kurdish political prisoner in Sanandaj Revolutionary Court, was sentenced to 27 years.

He was arrested at the end of fall this year by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kamyaran and later was transferred to Sanandaj Intelligence office.
He was 22 who lives in “Elk” village annexed to Kamyaran city, In the second session of the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj on charges of \"collaboration with one of the opposition parties, the Islamic Republic of Iran\" and \"acting against national security\" has to endure 27 years in prison.
Issuing sentences continuously:
Supreme Court of Iran has confirmed the execution of Kurdish political prisoner in the central prison of Urmia.

The prisoners in the end of fall 2005 in \"Targavar\" area in Urmia city arrested on charges of belonging to the opposition parties by the Islamic Republic of Iran, was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months imprisonment.
In February last year, he was charged with connection to \"Ahmad Shahid\" and overseas media from prison condemned to one year imprisonment.
“Ali Ahmed Sleman” last year on March was sentenced to death for murdering two members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. While issuing the sentence that has no reasonable grounds to suspect him of involvement in the murder of two members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards limitations.
Issuing continuous sentences for journalists and labor activists:

Abdukjabar Karamy a former representative of national council accused him of telephone call bothering.
Five hundred thousand rial fines issued by the court and then court of appeals confirmed it in Kurdistan province.
The journalist in Sanandaj court\'s refusal to pay the sum of five hundred thousand rial fine and he has imprisoned.
It was said what this Kurdish kournalist did because was to protest the court ruling.
On the other hand, Hamid Mhmvdynzhad labor by the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj was sentenced to one year imprisonment for five years by Iran for acting against national security.
Based of the recorded statistics in Kurdistan Press Agency, from the beginning of last month till now, 68 Kurdish citizens were sentenced to 463 years imprisonment and 2 years of modulates the suspended sentence.
Government involvement in 30 cases of human rights violations in this week:
Information Administration, the Organization of the Islamic regime\'s prisons, police and border guard forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, organizations and government agencies are the ones which are directly involved in 30 cases of human rights violations during last week:
News sources:
Kurdistan Press Agency (7 cases)
Campaign to defend civil and political prisoners (3)
Kurdistan Media Website (3 cases)
Coordinating Committee to Help Workers\' Organizations (1 case)
Kurdistan u Kurd website (1 case)
HARANA News (1 case)
In 3rd week of August 2013, the report of the week “perspective of the week”, Kurdistan Press Agency tackles 30 cases of Human Rights Violations at Kurdish areas which are 5 cases of political prisoners’ hunger strike, 15 cases of moving Kurdish religious prisoners from prison to another, 4 cases of detention and having got no news about their conditions, 4 cases of sentences and 2 more cases of injuring Kurdish weight holders by the direct shooting of military forces of Islamic Republic of Iran.

Direct shooting by Iranian government forces:
Investigating the latest published reports about ambush and direct shooting on Kurdish weight holders by Iranian forces:
Last week, following two cases of straight shot and ambushed by the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Kurdish weight holders in “Sarouabad” Marivan and \"Nyvchvan\" two of them were injured.
On Saturday 9th of August, as a result of ambushed and direct shot on Kurdish weight holders by Islamic forces of Iran in “Qalhachi” which located in Saruabad Mariwan a Kurdish weight holder whose name is “Bahman” was wounded.
According to a source, as a result of direct firing of Iranian Government in an ambush a Kurdish weight holder from “Darnagh” Village was wounded and moved to Mariwan hospital.
In this regard, on Tuesday 12 of August 2013, a Kurdish weight holder who was Osman Nabipor 28 and from “Niwchwan” Sardasht with some others was hit by direct bullet and severely wounded.
Human rights activists announced that the Kurdish weight holder after being injured by Iranian forces arrested and due to his bad health condition was sent to a health center in Urmia.
In a recorded statistics from the statistical center of Kurdistan Press Agency, at the beginning of this month till now, 7weight holders were killed by direct shot of Iranian forces and 1 was killed.
In the published reports last week pressures, hunger strike and moving Kurdish political prisoners. This report deals with this issue.
Physical and health conditions of “Jalal Nasry” and “Qasim Rahimi Azar” after 6 days of hunger strike was getting worse and worse and moved to the nearest health center in Mahabad.
These two Kurdish Political Prisoners after spending four days on hunger strike were moved by the prison officials from their jail to solitary jails. They are suffering from kidney and Tuberculosis and for the time being the relevant institutions have not address any physical conditions.

Continuing on hunger strike by Political prisoners:

In this regard, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran about the beating and pressuring political prisoners stated that: Karim Musazade political prisoner in Bandar Abbas prison was moved from division of labor to the prison where prisoners of dangerous crime have been kept.
This member of the young scholars was arrested Aug. 2009 by intelligence forces.
The reasons behind transferring this Kurdish political activist to the prison of dangerous crimes of Bandar Abbas was refusing entering into prohibited prisons after that the vice President and Head Protection Inspection prison worker in front of the prison, he is severely beaten because of that he went on hunger strike for six days.
Karim Musazade and Amir Talibyfar were accused of war against God and memberhip in one of Kurdish political party, sentenced to six years imprisonment and exiled to Bandar Abbas and Zahidan prisons and they were kept in the prison which was build for dangerous criminals.

Khizir Rasulmerwat was another Kurdish political prisoner who was kept in prison of dangerous criminals and oppose to that went on hunger strike for 8 days.
Khizir Rasulmerwat was another Kurdish political prisoner who was kept in prison of dangerous criminals and oppose to that went on hunger strike for 8 days.The student activist imprisoned by the authorities pretext call Khidr (north) out Iran is under pressure as he has got in touch with foreign media.
Also, Seyed Sami Huseiny a Kurdish political prisoner incarcerated in the prison of Urmia to protest the move to section 4 went on hunger strike in prison.
This political prisoner who was saved from being executed last year, in oppose to his movement to Urumia prison in which detainees with crimes of murder, went on hunger strike on Monday the twenty-first of August.
Rather than respond to the objections of his prison, he was transferred to solitary confinement in prison.
Continuing pressure on Kurdish ideological prisoners:
Following reviling the statistics of Kurdish elder prisoners from prison in Karaj , thereby transferring some to other prisons to other Kurdish areas of Iran.
Bureau of Prisons and the justice system in any number of Sunni prisoners in Karaj prison to other prisons, particularly in the Kurdish regions of the country moved to the west of the country.
The identity and location of 15 Sunni prisoners transported to Karaj are as follows:

In a recorded statistics from the statistical center of Kurdistan Press Agency, at the beginning of this year till now, 22 Kurdish Political Prisoners in resist to their bad conditions and pressure on them went on hunger strike and 58 more moved to other prisons and solitary ones.

In the third week of July 4 cases of detentions in the Kurdish regions were reported that we are explaining them:
Tuesday, August 22, a Kurdish citizen \"Rashid Rasoulian\" who lives in \"Connie myrrh\" neighbor city of Sardasht, was arrested by security forces of the Islamic regime of Iran.
Despite the Iranian government\'s security forces searched his home, \"Rashid Rasoulian\", he has been detained and transferred to unknown location.
The wife is said to be a citizen, called \"Q. A.\" victims summoned to the Intelligence Ministry and interrogated for several hours and then released. This is cased fear among people by the Information Office.
Also, on Tuesday, August, a citizen living in the neighborhood, \"Gvlshn\" whose name was \"Sarkawt Salvati, 32 years old\" has been detained by security forces and taken to an unknown location.
According to informed sources, the security forces in Sanandaj after his arrest, the search of his home and all his belongings to his computer, and took some of his personal documents
The continued detentions:
Security forces arbitrarily warfare for several consecutive times enters into a Kurdish citizen\'s home who was from Sardasht whose name was Abdullah Abdi and took him to information office.
This Kurdish citizen had spent 12 hours in the Intelligence office.
A member of this family claims that he was arrested due to his political activities that led to more pressure and brutality of security forces.
On the other hand, a Kurdish weight holder from Darake\\ Hawraman was detained by armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Last week\'s 20 Kurdish weight holders who were from Darake village which belongs to Sarouabad were ambushed by troops of the Government of Iran and consequently one of them “Behrooz Rezaee” was detained.
In a recorded statistics from the statistical center of Kurdistan Press Agency, at the beginning of this year till now, 263 Kurdish citizens were detained by Iran’s military forces.
Checking the latest reports about issuing sentences to journalists and Kurdish activists during the past week:
A Kurdish political prisoner in Sanandaj Revolutionary Court, was sentenced to 27 years.

“Mansoor Zarduee” Kurdish political prisoner in the Islamic Republic of Iran\'s Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj sentenced to suffer imprisonment for 27 years and then moved to the prison of Pawe city.
“Mansoor Zarduee” Kurdish political prisoner in the Islamic Republic of Iran\'s Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj sentenced to suffer imprisonment for 27 years and then moved to the prison of Pawe city.He was arrested at the end of fall this year by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kamyaran and later was transferred to Sanandaj Intelligence office.
He was 22 who lives in “Elk” village annexed to Kamyaran city, In the second session of the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj on charges of \"collaboration with one of the opposition parties, the Islamic Republic of Iran\" and \"acting against national security\" has to endure 27 years in prison.
Issuing sentences continuously:
Supreme Court of Iran has confirmed the execution of Kurdish political prisoner in the central prison of Urmia.

“Ali Ahmed Sleman” political prisoners from Iraqi Kurdistan
Execution of “Ali Ahmed Sleman” political prisoners from Iraqi Kurdistan charged with \"premeditated murder\" by the Supreme Court is confirmed.The prisoners in the end of fall 2005 in \"Targavar\" area in Urmia city arrested on charges of belonging to the opposition parties by the Islamic Republic of Iran, was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months imprisonment.
In February last year, he was charged with connection to \"Ahmad Shahid\" and overseas media from prison condemned to one year imprisonment.
“Ali Ahmed Sleman” last year on March was sentenced to death for murdering two members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. While issuing the sentence that has no reasonable grounds to suspect him of involvement in the murder of two members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards limitations.
Issuing continuous sentences for journalists and labor activists:

A local newspaper journalists in Kurdistan named Omid Karimy accused of \"submissions leaf notes\" was arrested by Former House of Representatives after being sentenced he introduced himself to Sanandaj Prison.
A local newspaper journalists in Kurdistan named Omid Karimy accused of \"submissions leaf notes\" was arrested by Former House of Representatives after being sentenced he introduced himself to Sanandaj Prison.Abdukjabar Karamy a former representative of national council accused him of telephone call bothering.
Five hundred thousand rial fines issued by the court and then court of appeals confirmed it in Kurdistan province.
The journalist in Sanandaj court\'s refusal to pay the sum of five hundred thousand rial fine and he has imprisoned.
It was said what this Kurdish kournalist did because was to protest the court ruling.
On the other hand, Hamid Mhmvdynzhad labor by the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj was sentenced to one year imprisonment for five years by Iran for acting against national security.
Based of the recorded statistics in Kurdistan Press Agency, from the beginning of last month till now, 68 Kurdish citizens were sentenced to 463 years imprisonment and 2 years of modulates the suspended sentence.
Government involvement in 30 cases of human rights violations in this week:
Information Administration, the Organization of the Islamic regime\'s prisons, police and border guard forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, organizations and government agencies are the ones which are directly involved in 30 cases of human rights violations during last week:

News sources:
Kurdistan Press Agency (7 cases)
Campaign to defend civil and political prisoners (3)
Kurdistan Media Website (3 cases)
Coordinating Committee to Help Workers\' Organizations (1 case)
Kurdistan u Kurd website (1 case)
HARANA News (1 case)