Urmia prison; Sareh and Elham Chobdar were sentenced to death on charges of "corruption on earth" by promoting "homosexuality"

11:44 - 9 September 2022

Zahra Sediqi Hamadani, known as Sareh, and Elham Chobdar, one of the defenders of the community (LGBTI), were sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court of Urmia.

 The court accused these two community rights activists (LGBTI) of "corruption on the earth" through "promotion of homosexuality", "communication with the media that opposes the Islamic Republic" and "promotion of Christianity" and this verdict has been notified to this prisoner in the women's ward of Urmia prison on Thursday, September 1st.  

 Sareh and Elham Chobdar were arrested by IRGC Intelligence in  and kept in IRGC Intelligence Detention Center in Urmia for two months and then transferred to the women's ward of Urmia Prison.

 Zahra Sediqi Hamadani was arrested by IRGC intelligence near the Iran-Turkey border.

 On January 16th, 2022, Zahra Sediqi Hamdani was indicted in the 6th Investigation Branch of the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor's Office of Urmia and charged with "corruption on earth" through "promoting homosexuality", "communication with the media opposing the Islamic Republic" and "promoting Christianity".  .

 In February 2022, Amnesty International announced in a statement that Zahra Sediqi Hamdani is being arbitrarily detained in Urmia Central Prison.

 This organization demanded the immediate and unconditional release of Zahra Sediqi Hamdani.

 In August of this year, Rainbow association condemned the arrest and detention of Sareh by the Revolutionary Guards and the accusations of "spreading corruption in the world" including through "promoting homosexuality" and demanded justice, the removal of all charges and the immediate release of Sareh from Urmia prison.