Two Women Set Themselves Aflame in Mariwan and Shino

03:51 - 18 August 2015
Kurdpa: In the cities of Mariwan and Shino, two women set themselves aflame due to family and social problems.

Kurdistan News Agency, Kurdpa, has learned that a woman set herself on fire in the city of Mariwan, Eastern Kurdistan several days ago. She died consequently due to the severity of her burns.

Fatima, reportedly engaged, was the latest victim of self-immolation and was a resident of Mosk 2 district in Mariwan. She took her life as her family was living in severe poverty.

In another incident, another woman from the village of “Kani Spi” in the suburbs of Shino, in Eastern Kurdistan, also immolated herself suffering severe injuries. Social problems and conflicts are reported as the motives behind her self-immolation. She died in Wurme City Hospital a few days later.

Regions like Balochistan, Kurdistan and other neglected and deprived areas in Iran attract little development, intentionally put in force by the central government, leading to highest rates of unemployment and poverty. These major issues are consequently linked to many economic, social and family problems, as well as, suicide.

font color=\"808080\"> Writing by Kurdpa Staff Writers and editing by Sharmin Hassaniani.


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