The trial of two Kurdish citizens in the Second Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Urmia

A Kurd woman named "Shahnaz (Brivan) Sadeghifar", 32, from Urmia has been sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Second Branch of the Revolutionary Court of this city, presided over by Judge Sheikhlou.
This citizen and his daughter "Ainaz Zare" were tried in the Second Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Urmia on Tuesday, July 21, and no verdict has been announced for his daughter so far.
The Urmia Revolutionary Court has charged Shahnaz Sadeghifar and her daughter on "membership in a Kurdish opposition party of the Iranian government."
Shahnaz Sadeghifar and her daughter were members of a Kurdish opposition party of the Iranian government for three years, and returned to Iran from the Baneh border in September 2019 after receiving an amnesty, and were later detained by security forces.
These two citizens were transferred to the Urmia Intelligence Detention Center after their arrest and were interrogated for two months.
In November 2019, Shahnaz Sadeghifar and Ainaz Zare were transferred to the women's ward of Urmia Central Prison after being interrogated.
Photo: Shahnaz Sadeghifar and Ainaz Zare