The organizers of “NO TO DEATH TANKER’’ campaign are still in custody

20:14 - 9 October 2016
Kurdpa Agency: Following recent public protest in Mariwan, the Iranian security force arrested numbers of people.

According to Kurdpa News Agency on Thursday, 6 2016 following public protest over using roads in Mariwan by the Fuel Tankers. This protest took place in Bisarani roundabout in Mariwan. In addition, some Kurdish citizens in Mariwan were then arrested by the Iranian security force. According to some news agency more than ten people have been arrested.

Further to this news 5 activists of the above-mentioned campaign were apprehended. The Administrator of the room in Telegram related to this campaign was also among detainee. He was arrested in her home. The identities of the aforementioned detainees are: Artin Hasan Zadeh, Bahareh Arefi Shaykh, Sayran Khorinka, Rojin Rezaee and Adel Rashidi.

According to an associate Bahareh Adeli was the administrator of the room of this campaign in Telegram. When security forces arrested her, they took over the control of the room of campaign in telegram. The same associate said that all detainees are still in prison and no body is aware of their locations. People in Mariwan have demanded immediate release of detainee.

For the second time on Thursday, 6 2016 people in Mariwan protested over that fact that local authority have been reluctant to find a solution for the problem that have been precipitated by the Fuel Tankers. These Tankers have many times jeopardised the life of local citizens.

The governor in Mariwan had previously announced that they would not allow any demonstration or protest. He further said that the authority would crack down any public protest.

Following the public protest in Mariwan the security force and anti-riot police are on high alert. The Martial Law has been declared in Mariwan.

The Fuel Tankers have caused targedic accident in the numbers of Iranian Kurdistan. Iranian state authority and the ministry of Transport have been reluctant to find a solution for this problem.