The Intelligence Service imposed new restriction on environmental activity

22:17 - 18 August 2018
Kurdpa Agency: The Iranian Intelligence Service has imposed new restriction on the environmental activities in Kurdistan.

According to reliable sources, environmental activities in Kurdistan experienced a dramatic decline this year due to being under the pressure and threats posed by the Iranian Intelligence Service.

An environmental activist, from Mariwan, who wanted to remain anonymous, told Kurdpa News Agency: “The Intelligence Service agents have tried to decline the environmental activities in Kurdistan by summoning the activists and threatening them, interfering in the environmental NGOs, refusing permission for those NGOs’ activities and not giving permission for publishing the environmental activists’ researches. Their attempts have had significant impact on the environmental activities”.

“The environmental NGOs ‘s activists have during the recent years done a tremendous job to preserve the Kurdistan environment, an achievement which is unbearable for the Intelligence Service organizations”, he added.

Based on his opinion, the pressure on the environmental activists is related to imposing restrictions on the Kurdistan civil society.

“During the current year, the Iranian Intelligence Service has summoned or arrested a few environmental activists some of whom have been released on bail”, he told our reporter.

The Environmental activists in Kurdistan have been voluntarily doing their best efforts to fight forest fire which every year challenges the Kurdistan forest regions and endangers the environment. Forest fire damages the Kurdistan forest cover as well as its wild environment and biodiversity.

Although accurate statistics on forest fire in Kurdistan is not available, the Kurdpa News Agency’s reporter in Kurdish cities and villages almost every day cover this environmental issue.

The witnesses often say the forest fires are not natural but human caused. They point the finger at the Iranian Intelligence Service’s agents and Iranian military forces and accuse them of setting fire deliberately on the Kurdistan forest.