The Appeal court upheld a sentence for an activist from Sanandaj

13:58 - 7 February 2017
Kurdpa agency: One year sentence for a cultural activist in Sanandaj was approved by appeal court.

According to the Kurdpa News agencies, Shoresh Tahmasebi, a cultural activist from Sanandaj was sentenced to one-year imprisonment. He should also be present in the court verdict implementation section of Central Prison in Sanandaj.

This cultural activist was charged on \"acting against national security\" and then arrested by the Iranian intelligent service in Sanandaj. The Revolutionary Court then sentenced him to one year imprisonment on the same charges. On Jan, 30th 2017 this sentence was uphold by the appeal court in Sanandaj.

Shoresh Tahmasebi has allegedly been arrested in number of occasion and on variety of charges. He was then interrogated and tortured by the intelligent office in Sanandaj.

This cultural activist was working in the field of culture, environment and supporting human rights in particular the rights of children and women.