Since Rouhani has taken office, 1193 people have been executed
18:18 - 17 March 2015

Kurdpa agency: According to statistic, comparing to prior June 2013 presidential election, number of execution have been increased since Raouhani has taken office.
According to kurdpa news agency during the last 18 months ,that Rouhani became the president of Islamic Government ,at least 1193 prisoner have been executed in Iran.827 people who had been sentenced prior to June 2013 presidential election have been executed during the last 18 months.
Iranian human right organization while is concerned about continues execution in Iran, warning about executing under age people. They have announced that statistic shows that,executing under age individuals has reached highest value after 70s and 80s in Iran.
In the light of the same report, although there were optimistic views after Hasan Rouhani took office; however there is a little catachrestic points regarding improvement of human right in Iran.
Increasing the number of excecution in the new government has not raised any protest among member of government and Rouhani himself.
Previously both Iranian human right and together stand against execution organisations have released a report, according to this report 753 people have been executed in 2014 in Iran which is an indication of 10% increase comparing to the last year.
According to kurdpa news agency during the last 18 months ,that Rouhani became the president of Islamic Government ,at least 1193 prisoner have been executed in Iran.827 people who had been sentenced prior to June 2013 presidential election have been executed during the last 18 months.
Iranian human right organization while is concerned about continues execution in Iran, warning about executing under age people. They have announced that statistic shows that,executing under age individuals has reached highest value after 70s and 80s in Iran.
In the light of the same report, although there were optimistic views after Hasan Rouhani took office; however there is a little catachrestic points regarding improvement of human right in Iran.
Increasing the number of excecution in the new government has not raised any protest among member of government and Rouhani himself.
Previously both Iranian human right and together stand against execution organisations have released a report, according to this report 753 people have been executed in 2014 in Iran which is an indication of 10% increase comparing to the last year.