Simko Khilghati Transferred to Arak Prison

23:41 - 25 August 2015
Kurdpa: A Kurdish political prisoner from the city of Mahabad has been transferred from Tehran Central Prison to Arak Prison.

Kurdish prisoner, Simko Khilghati, was held in detention in section 7 of Evin Prison in Tehran. On Tuesday August 18, he was transferred to Arak Prison during which time he was arrested.

Khilghati was moved several times between sections 209, 7 and 350 in Evin Prison, and was also detained in Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj for a period of time.

Human Rights Activists News Agency, HRANA reported that the reason for his transfer to Arak Prison is still unknown.

Mr. Khilghati, 35, married and father of 11-year old girl was sent to solitary confinement in Rajayi Shahr Prison since a year ago with the pretext of seeing his family.

He was arrested by Iranian intelligence forces known as Etelat in January 2010.

Mr. Khilghati who hold a methodology engineering degree was working as an engineer at Arak Nuclear Facility.

The Kurdish political prisoner was sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Arak Revolutionary Court, accused of aiding one of the exiled Kurdish opposition parties.

The decision was upheld by Iran’s Higher Court..

Writing by Kurdpa Staff Writers, translation by J. E. and editing by Sharmin Hassaniani.


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