Shaker Behrouzi, a political prisoner sentenced to execution, was transferred to an unknown location

12:41 - 30 June 2022

On  Wednesday, June 29,  Shaker Behrouzi, a political prisoner sentenced to execution in Urmia Political Prison, was transferred to an unknown location.

According to a source in Urmia Prison, the authorities took the Kurdish political prisoner out of prison at 8 am on the pretext of meeting his brother and then transferred him to an unknown location.

It is worth mentioning that the Supreme Court has rejected the request for a retrial of this political prisoner sentenced to death, and his sentence has been confirmed.

On Saturday, June 25, the final verdict of the Supreme Court had announced to Shaker Behrozi in Urmia Central Prison.

After the death sentence was passed on Shaker Bahrouzi, the villagers of Margaver region of Urmia sent a letter to the judicial authorities demanding the pardon of this Kurdish political prisoner.

According to an informed source, on Monday, June 27, intelligence forces have forced him to express remorse in front of the plaintiffs. 
The informed source added: that the security forces filmed the scene expressing remorse for this political prisoner after severe beatings. This scenario happened to Haidar Ghorbani, a political prisoner who was executed on Monday, November 22, 2021.

 Kurdpa calls on all human rights organizations to do their best to free this political prisoner from execution risk.