Severe Internet Disruptions Reported In Iran
14:10 - 12 February 2012

Kurdpa - Severe Internet disruptions and increased censorship have been reported in Iran this week by Iranians who have complained on social media websites and via messages and telephone calls.
Many Iranians have been claiming that their access to social networks and Internet-based e-mail sites has been blocked in recent days.
They say their access to Google services has been blocked and that they haven’t been able to access other sites like Facebook even with the usual antifiltering software.
The reason for the disruption is not clear. It could be an attempt by government authorities to prevent a planned silent protest that has been called by the opposition Green Movement for February 14.
The Green Path of Hope coordination council issued the call to mark the anniversary of a protest last year, which attracted tens of thousands of people and led to the house arrest of opposition leaders Mir Hossein Musavi and Mehdi Karrubi.
Iran has disrupted the Internet before ahead of planned opposition demonstrations.
There is also speculation that the blackout is related to the government\'s plan to launch a national Internet, which it reportedly has been testing for months.
Iranian officials have said that the national network will be launched soon, amid concerns that it will cut off Iranians from the World Wide Web.
Whatever the reason for the increased censorship, it has upset many.
Source - RFE
Many Iranians have been claiming that their access to social networks and Internet-based e-mail sites has been blocked in recent days.
They say their access to Google services has been blocked and that they haven’t been able to access other sites like Facebook even with the usual antifiltering software.
The reason for the disruption is not clear. It could be an attempt by government authorities to prevent a planned silent protest that has been called by the opposition Green Movement for February 14.
The Green Path of Hope coordination council issued the call to mark the anniversary of a protest last year, which attracted tens of thousands of people and led to the house arrest of opposition leaders Mir Hossein Musavi and Mehdi Karrubi.
Iran has disrupted the Internet before ahead of planned opposition demonstrations.
There is also speculation that the blackout is related to the government\'s plan to launch a national Internet, which it reportedly has been testing for months.
Iranian officials have said that the national network will be launched soon, amid concerns that it will cut off Iranians from the World Wide Web.
Whatever the reason for the increased censorship, it has upset many.
Source - RFE