Saqez; Atta Rahmanzadeh was sentenced to 11 months in prison

A Kurdish citizen named Atta (Shamal) Rahmanzadeh from Saqez has been sentenced to 11 months in prison for "propaganda against the regime".
This citizen was previously sentenced by the Saqez Revolutionary Court to 11 months in discretionary imprisonment, and this sentence was upheld by the Court of Appeals.
Mr. Rahmanzadeh must handed himself to Saqez Prison in the coming days to serve his sentence.
The citizen was released on bail on Monday, January 25th, after completing his interrogation.
On Thursday, February 21st, 2021, this citizen was wearing Kurdish uniform in protest of the Iranian governmental Television's insult to Kurdish costumes in "Hallo" Square in Saqez, and he was detained by the security forces without any court order.
The Kurdish citizen was sentenced to one year in discretionary imprisonment by the First Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Saqez in May 2018 on charges of "propaganda against the regime" and was acquitted of "disturbing public order."
Following the Kurdish citizen's appealed against the verdict, the sentence was commuted to three months' imprisonment in the Sanandaj Court of Appeals.
Atta Rahmanzadeh was transferred to Saqez Central Prison on Thursday, January 17, 2019, to serve his sentence.
This citizen was arrested by the security forces on the 26th of October 2017, after participating in the rallies in support of the referendum on the independence of Kurdistan, and was transferred to the detention center of the Saqez Ettelaat Bureau.
After a month of detention, he was temporarily released from Saqez Central Prison on a 70 million Toman bail.