Sanandaj Prison; Haidar Ghorbani was executed

16:45 - 2 January 2022

 Haidar Ghorbani, a Kurdish political prisoner from Kamyaran, was executed in Sanandaj prison this morning, December 19th.

 According to an informed source, the political prisoner was not executed without informing his family and was not allowed to visit his family for the last time.

 The informed source added: Haidar Ghorbani's body was buried by the security forces and his body was not delivered to his family.

 The informed source stated: Hassan Ghorbani, the brother of this political prisoner, has been arrested by the security forces.

  On Monday, August 9th, Haidar Ghorbani's family went to the General Court of Kurdistan Province and were informed that the request for Article 477 of the Code of Criminal Procedure for Haidar Ghorbani had been rejected and his case had been referred to the Kamyaran Revolutionary Court.  .

 In an interview with ILNA on December 2020, Saleh Nikbakht, Haidar Ghorbani's lawyer, announced that he had asked his client to apply Article 477 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

 On October 2020, a group of religious scholars, Imam Jamat leaders and congregations, teachers in Sanandaj, Marivan and Kamyaran, and some members of parliament wrote a letter to the head of the judiciary asking him to accept the resumption of Haidar Ghorbani's trial.

 On September 2020, the Supreme Court rejected the retrial of this political prisoner sentenced to death.

 On Wednesday, August 5th, the death sentence of this Kurdish political prisoner sentenced to death was announced in Branch 27 of the Supreme Court in Qom.

 After confirming the death sentence of Haidar Ghorbani in the Supreme Court, his lawyer requested a retrial in the same branch of the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj.

 Kurdpa Human Rights Organization has obtained documents from the case of Haidar Ghorbani, a Kurdish political prisoner sentenced to death that in June 8th, branch 27th of the Supreme Court has proved the execution sentence on charges of rebellion and the same Branch of the court has violated the verdict of the political prisoner due to a lack of investigation.

Branch 27 of the Supreme Court referred the case to the Sanandaj court due to a lack of investigation in the case of the Deputy for Murder, but the other case that led to the death sentence was upheld by the mentioned branch. If the investigation in the early stages of detention was carried out by specific security agencies and the same behavior, if there is a defect in the case, the verdict of all cases should be violated.

 One of these documents states: Regarding the complaints filed against Haidar Ghorbani regarding the intentional body harm inflicted on the mobilization officers and the acquisition of stolen property, and the change in the figures and specifications of license plates and chassis of motor vehicles and participation in the premeditated murder of Muslims and  Initiation of kidnapping and intentional homicide and assisting the offender to get rid of the trial and punishment and assisting in premeditated murder and assisting in premeditated murder not subject to retaliation that disturbs the order of the society, the verdict number (99099970910000183) on June 9, 2020, was violated due to a lack of investigation.

 The verdict against Haidar Ghorbani was violated while on June 8th, Branch 27 of the Supreme Court upheld the verdict in the case of this political prisoner and upheld his death sentence on charges of "Rebellion."

 Haidar Ghorbani, a Kurdish political prisoner sentenced to death in Kamyaran, was arrested on October 11, 2016, and security forces accused him of being involved in the "assassination" of several government agents.

 In March of that year, English-language television station Press TV aired a documentary entitled "Death Driver" and aired a video of the Kurdish political prisoner's forced confessions.

on October 6, 2016, this political prisoner was charged with "inflicting gunshot wounds and injuries, assisting in premeditated murder, attempting to escape prosecution and trial, assisting in premeditated murder, affixing a license plate to another car, committing kidnapping and  "Acquisition of stolen property" was tried in Branch 1 of the Sanandaj Criminal Court.

 This political prisoner was sentenced to three counts in prison in Branch 1 of the Sanandaj Criminal Court for 30 years each for three counts of complicity in "premeditated murder" and "collaborating with one of the Kurdish opposition parties in the Iranian government" (by applying the second paragraph of under Article 134 of the Islamic Penal Code) was convicted. 

 Also, Branch 1 of the Sanandaj Criminal Court sentenced the Kurdish political prisoner to two lashes of one hundred lashes each for two counts of studying two Peugeot 405, and two  imprisonment each for fifteen months for two counts for installments of License plate, for six years imprisonment for the crime of kidnapping, four years imprisonment for trying to help the accused (by applying the second paragraph of Article 134 of  Islamic Penal Code) had condemned.

 Haidar Ghorbani was tried in the First Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj on the charge of "Rebellion" and on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, the death sentence on this charge was officially announced in Sanandaj Prison.

 The case of this political prisoner has been investigated by the First Investigation Branch of the Kamyaran Prosecutor's Office, the Intelligence Police and the Kamyaran Intelligence Office.