Saeed Sangar was sentenced to 15 years in prison

11:59 - 15 April 2020

 Saeed Sangar, a political prisoner imprisoned in Urmia Prison, was sentenced by the Second Branch of the Revolutionary Court of this city to 15 years in prison, presided over by Judge Sheikhlou.

 On Wednesday, February 26th, 2020, this political prisoner was summoned to Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court of Urmia on charges of "membership in the country's disobedient communities." and sentenced to 15 years in prison. 

 Saeed Sangar was summoned to Branch 2 of the Urmia Revolutionary Court, headed by Ali Sheikhlou, in a statement on December 30, 2019, alleging "membership in Baghi and Mojahedin Khalq groups."  The lawyer was not present at the hearing.

 On December 17th, 2019, the political prisoner was transferred from Urmia Prison to Branch 6 of the Urmia Revolutionary Court, where he was interrogated and charged.  Saeed Sangar was interrogated at the hearing on charges of "propaganda against the regime and links to foreign media."

 He had previously been charged with "propaganda against the regime" in 2017, but was banned from pursuing the case due to lack of evidence.

 Saeed Sangar is a political prisoner born on May 2nd, 1973.  He was arrested on August 30th, 2000, but his case is dated October 29th, 2000, as the date of his detention.

 In less than two months, this political prisoner was sentenced to death by the Branch One of the Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj, presided over by Judge Fatemi, on charges of "Moharebeh through membership in the Mojahedin Khalq Organization."  Saeed Sangar was later transferred from the Sanandaj Intelligence Detention Center to the Ministry of Intelligence Detention Center, called Ward 209 of Evin Prison in Tehran, and was held in solitary confinement until 2003.  In December of the same year, during the appeal stage, his sentence was reduced to life imprisonment by one degree, and he was finally transferred to Urmia Prison.

 The sentence of life imprisonment of this prisoner was reduced to 18 years of discretionary imprisonment by Branch 4 of the Sanandaj Branch on December 23rd, 2016.

 In 2016, this political prisoner in Sanandaj was released on bail, but the Ministry of Intelligence prevented him from being released and he is serving his sentence in Urmia Prison without leave.