Pawa /Land mine explosion left a victim
22:23 - 17 August 2018

Kurpa Agency: A Kurdish Kolbar, from Pawa lost one of his legs after being a victim of a mine land explosion.
According to reliable sources, on 12th August, a Kurdish Kolbar, Saboor Yari, 31, from Shimsher, located in central part of Pawa, lost one of his legs due to a land mine explosion.
Soon after the mine went off in a place near Nawsood; the victim was immediately transferred to a hospital.
Economic crisis in the Kurdish provinces of Iran especially in the border regions is one of the main causes of taking up this dangerous job by the people. Kurdish Kolbars who have to take up this job to earn a living more often lose their lives due to different reasons such as being shot dead by the Iranian military forces, frostbite or mine land explosion.
Even though the provinces like West Azarbayejan, Kurdisrtan, Ilam, Kermansha and Khouzestan are the most mine-infested regions in Iran with more than 16 million mine lands, the Iranian government has not yet done anything to tackle this problem.
According to reliable sources, on 12th August, a Kurdish Kolbar, Saboor Yari, 31, from Shimsher, located in central part of Pawa, lost one of his legs due to a land mine explosion.
Soon after the mine went off in a place near Nawsood; the victim was immediately transferred to a hospital.
Economic crisis in the Kurdish provinces of Iran especially in the border regions is one of the main causes of taking up this dangerous job by the people. Kurdish Kolbars who have to take up this job to earn a living more often lose their lives due to different reasons such as being shot dead by the Iranian military forces, frostbite or mine land explosion.
Even though the provinces like West Azarbayejan, Kurdisrtan, Ilam, Kermansha and Khouzestan are the most mine-infested regions in Iran with more than 16 million mine lands, the Iranian government has not yet done anything to tackle this problem.