Mohammad Nazari, Kurdish political prisoner\'s release blocked by the Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)

22:14 - 3 June 2018
Kurdpa Agency: Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is blocking the release of Kurdish political prisoner.

Based on reports received by Kurdistan Press Agency (Kurdpa), Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps are blocking the release of Mohammad Nazari.

Mohammad Nazari was according to a course in Wrimya (Urmia) told Kurdpa that \"Mohammad Nazari was promised release by the general prosecutor in \"Rajai Shahr\" during his latest hunger strike.\" The IRGC forces according to the source is now preventing his release.

The source also added that the \"IRGC forces have in exchange for his release requested that Mohammad Nazari write a repentance letter.\"

According to the source, Mr. Nazari rejecting the Revolutionary Guards\' request stated that: \"I have been innocent for 24 years, how can I repent for the crime that I did not commit?\"

Mohammad Nazari, Kurdish political prisoner from “Shahin” was incarcerated 24-years-ago on charges of “membership and cooperation with Kurdish opposition organization to the Iran regime,” and “Moharebeh (enmity against God)” by the security forces in Bukan. He was accordingly sentenced to death by Judge Jalilzadeh without his lawyer’s presence.

Mr. Nazari’s death sentence was later changed to life in prison and he has since been denied leave entitlement by the court.

Mohammad Nazari ended his 99-day hunger strike in 2017 at the request of his lawyer Mohammad Hussein Aghasi.