Kurdish Parties Congratulate HDP on Election Success

02:42 - 10 June 2015
Kurdpa: Kurdish parties congratulate HDP and the Kurdish people in northern Kurdistan on their electoral victory.

Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) leadership congratulates HDP and the Kurdish people in northern Kurdistan on their electoral victory. “We share the joy of this electoral victory with you,” PDKI letter writes.

In the letter, PDKI also expresses its hope that “the outcome of the elections in general, and the victory of HDP in particular will advance democracy and facilitate peace in Turkey.”

“We hope that the outcome of the elections will pave the way for the Kurdish people in northern Kurdistan to achieve their rights and liberty,” the letter ends.

The PDKI splinter party, Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) also expressed joy of the successful outcome of the election. “On this occasion, we convey our heartfelt congratulation to our people in northern Kurdistan and the rest of Kurdish nation in general, and HDP in particular,” the KDP Politburo statement read.

Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan General Secretary, Abdullah Mohtadi also issued a congratulatory message on HDP’s parliamentary election victory, beating the 10% threshold required to enter the Turkish Parliament.

“We hope that such a hopeful victory will become a strong foundation for the further attainment of the rights of the Kurdish nation, strengthening of democracy in Turkey and the lasting triumph of the peace process in this country,” read the Komala message.

Kurdish politicians and political parties from other parts of Kurdistan, including the Kurdistan Region President, Masoud Barzani also expressed content on the results of the election.

“The election proves that democratic process in the country has reached a noticeable level,” said Masoud Barzani in a statement released on Monday, congratulating the people of Turkey and the competing political parties on their achievements.

On Sunday June 7, more than 86 percent of the eligible voters cast their ballots in parliamentary elections. Four major political parties, AKP, CHP, MHP and HDP each got 40.87%, 24.95%, 16.95%, 13.12% respectively.

HDP, now with well over 80 seats is the first pro-Kurdish party to enter parliament, and now the third largest political bloc in the 550-seat parliament.

Writing by Kurdpa Staff Writers and editing by Hazhir B.