Kurdish civil rights in Iran have been violated in greater dimensions

12:55 - 6 October 2016
Kurdpa agency: Three Kurdish were apprehended and in the same time judiciary system sent another eight to jail.

According to Kurdpa News Agency on Thursday evening October 1st ministry of intelligent officials in west Azerbaijan province raided some Kurdish residential buildings and arrested number of individuals. These arrests took place in Mahabad and a village of Boukan region.

Kurdpa reporter in Mahabad said that intelligent officers in Mahabad arrested two people named Ali Bornaser and Hasan Ibrahim Hamza.

They were then transferred to an anonymouse location. Further to this news another Kurdish citizen named Hussein Ibrahim Hamza was also arrested in Qara gol village of Boukan region.

According to the same report these arrest carried out directly by intelligent service while they did not provide any source of routine summon.

Terror-stricken operation of raiding residential buildings and arresting people is in conjunction with transferring another eight-convicted individual to prison. Further to this report Kurdpa correspondent said that branch 101 of the criminal Court has issued a preliminary verdict for 5 Kurdish citizens. They have been accused of different accounts and accordingly were sentenced to dozens of year’s imprisonment. They have been accused of membership and supporter of Iranian Kurdish opposition parties.

The following are the Kurdpa report about the identity of prisoners and the type of sentences:
1) Saber Rasoul-pour son of Ismail guilty of four accounts , in total was sentenced to 19 years imprisonment.

2) Reza Izat-taj son of Mustafa, guilty of four accounts, in total was sentenced to 19 years imprisonment.

3) Muhammad Abdullahi son of Ottman guilty of four accounts, in total was sentenced to 12 years and six months in prison.

4) Faruq Shefahi son of Ibrahim, guilty of two accounts, in total was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment.

• The hearing that was presided by Judge Mehdi Rezaie, decided to apply an article 134 of Islamic penal code regarding multiple offence and relevant

5) Vali Sharifi son of Rahim guilty of one account was sentenced to two years suspended imprisonment ,he was acquitted in another account.

* At the beginning of the last week two Kurdish citizens of Urmia and Baneh were also faced hearing as followed:

6) Arsalan Pirzadegan and Saeed Mirawa who were convicted by an appeal court in West Azerbaijan province. Arsalan was sentenced to 4 years and 9 months; Saeed was sentenced to 6 months in jail. They were then transferred to central prison in Urmia and Baneh.

7) At the end of last week Ali Sourkhi son of Muhamad-Karim was also sentenced to one and half year suspended incarceration. He had previously been arrested by intelligent service in Koseh village of Boukan region.

The act of recent arresting and subsequent heavily sentencing Kurds in Iran is conjunction with recent ministry of intelligent service speech. He recently said that dealing with criminal categories has been a drawback in the Iranian security institutions.

* Political and civil activists have constantly criticized Iranian judiciary. They believe that judiciary system in Iran is Non-independent and is under inflouence by security and intelligent service officials.