KMMK-G sent a letter to UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran explaining Hedayat’s court case

22:26 - 6 November 2018
In a letter to Dr. Javaid Rehman, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Association for Human Rights in Kurdistan of Iran-Geneva (KMMK-G) provides him with the recent information on Hedayat Abdollapour, a Kurdish political prisoner sentenced to death.

Hedayat Abdollapour, born in 1990 in the city of Shno (Oshnavieh), was arrested by the Islamic Revolutionary Gaurd Corps (IRGC) on July 17, 2016. He was sentenced to death on the charge of ‘cooperating with the PDKI (the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan).

On 29th of December 2017, Shekhlo, the judge of the Urmia Revolutionary court sentenced Hedayat Abdollapour to death on the charge of ‘Cooperating with a Kurdish political party’. Hedayat was sentenced to death in a trial which lasted only a few minutes without having access to a lawyer, according to letter.

“On 8th of October, 2018, the death penalty of Hedayat Abdollapour, was upheld by the judges Saeed Ahmadi and Qazi Qazizadeh of Urmia Revolutionary Court. After that, the Iranian Supreme Court (the 47th section) referred the verdict to the Umira Revolutionary court. The Urmia Revolutionary Court’s section 2, under the pressure of the Sipah Iteela’at (the IRGC Intelligence service), has upheld the death penalty again and the IRGC is insisting on the executing Hedayet quickly”, the letter reads.

Having been kept in the Iranian intelligence service\'s solitary confinement in Urmia, the impacts of torture are visible on Hedayat’s body as he has lost his hearing in the left ear, according to the letter sent by the KMMK-G to UN Special Rapporteur.

It adds: “According to the Hedayet Adullahpour\'s brother, Farhad Abdullahpour, and his lawyer, Hussein Ahmadi Niyaz\'s statements, the IRCG allegations unfounded and there is no evidence to prove any link between the PDKI and Hedayat Abdollahpour.”

“Farhad rejected all charges against his brother, and he claimed that Hedayat has no ties to the PDKI and he is innocent.”