Killing and wounding of 3 Kolbars as a result of firing by government soldiers at the border of Nowsud

This morning, Friday, September 16th, a 32-year-old boy named "Ismail Abdi", the son of Rashid from Javanrud, was killed by government soldiers at the border of Nowsud, and two other boys were wounded.
Kurdpa reporter announced the identity of the two injured Kolbars in this incident as Mokhtar Fatahi, 36 years old, son of Mohammad Rashid and Hamid Ahmadi, son of Haider from Javanrud.
An informed source told the Kurdpa reporter about how this incident happened: These three Kolbars were killed and wounded by direct fire from the Iranian government military forces in the outskirts of Shoshmi village near the city of Nowsud.
This informed source stated: Hamid Ahmadi was wounded in the neck and Mokhtar Fatahi in the left arm due to government soldiers' bullets.
This informed source added: The military forces of the government of Iran shot at these Kolbars with AK47 weapons without any prior warning, and Hamid Ahmadi is being sent to Kermanshah medical centers due to injuries to his neck and jaw.
The body of Ismail Abdi, the Kolbar who was killed in this incident, is now at the forensic doctor of Paveh and has not yet been handed over to his family.
Photo: Ismail Abdi