Kamil Ahmadi's detention was extended

Kurdpa Agency: Arrest of Kurdish writer and researcher extended for another month.
According to a report released by the Kurdistan Press Agency, the Shahid Moghaddasi Prosecutor's Office in Evin has extended the arrest of Kurdish author and researcher (Kamil Ahmadi) for another month.
Shafaq Rahmani, the wife of this Kurdish researcher, wrote on her Instagram page: "My husband, Kamil Ahmadi's detention has been extended for another month. they do not told us anything about his charges, in a meeting with him in the court, he told me that his interrogations were related to his researches and his interrogation has just finished that he had been transferred to a three-person room for several days. according to the information obtained, I found that Kamil was in custody under Section 2A of the IRGC. My husband and I were looking forward to his freedom, but unfortunately, his detention was extended for another month.
On Sunday, August 11th, intelligence agents arrested Kamil Ahmadi, a writer and social science researcher at his home in Tehran. so far his allegations were not announced.