IRGC’s artillery uninterruptedly targeted PDKI bases for 24 hours

22:34 - 7 September 2018
Kurdistan Press Agency (Kurdpa): The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) uninterruptedly shelled the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)’s border regions.

According to reports received by our agency, the IRGC started shelling the KGR yesterday morning and continued it uninterruptedly for at least twenty-four hours.

The IRGC’s artillery shelled heavily Sidakan and Choman regions from the KRG side and the border regions of Piranshar (Piranshahr) from the Iranian side.

“In this shelling, The IRGC has targeted the PDKI’s bases,” declared the IRGC in its telegram channel.

The Central Command of Kurdistan’s Peshmerga Forces affiliated with the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) released a statement informing that the IRGC’s artillery was targeting the PDKI’s bases.

“The IRGC’s shelling has caused significant damage to the forest cover of Sidakan and Choman”, the statement reads.

In the statement, the Central Command of Kurdistan’s Peshmerga Forces refutes the Iran’s claims behind shelling the KRG and emphasizes: “Peshmerga forces are fulfilling their duty in the Iranian Kurdistan, but the Iran’s Islamic regime has used its suppressive forces against the Peshmerga forces on the KRG’s soil”.

On the 17th of July, the IRGC shelled Sidakan and Choman regions from consequence of which two PDKI’s Peshmergas, Rahim Sadtan, from Mahabad and Edris Darwishi, from Piranshar (Piranshahr) lost their lives.