Iran's Cyberpolice Detain Facebook Group Administrators

14:03 - 1 February 2012
Kurdpa - Iran’s cyberpolice say they have arrested four administrators of a Facebook group called “Daaf and Paaf,” which had launched an online beauty competition.

The chief of the cyberpolice, Kamal Hadian, made the announcement on January 30 in a press conference in Tehran.

He said the force had “destroyed” the group, which he accused of spreading corruption and immorality.

The cyberpolice also posted a note on the group\'s Facebook wall in which it said that the two women and two men who administered the page have confessed to their crimes.

“In the name of God, we inform you that the page \'Daaf and Paaf\' is now under the control of ,\" the note said. \"The four main managers of this group have been identified and arrested on the charge of inciting and encouraging individuals to access vulgar content through the Internet.”

Under the note by the cyberpolice, many users have left comments condemning the move, sometimes using pejorative language.

“You...took away the right of the youth to be happy in the streets; they are all sitting at home spending their days and nights having online fun. Now you have an issue with this too?\" wrote one user.

Others targeted Iran’s Supreme Leader with comments such as “Down with Khamenei! Down with the dictator!”

The Facebook group had called on its 27,000 fans to send in pictures to take part in a competition for choosing “hot” Iranian men and women.

The wall of the group is filled with the pictures of young Iranians from both sexes who are identified only by their first names.

It is feared that any Iranian residents in these photos could now be identified and prosecuted by the authorities, who are intent on cracking down on such \"immoral\" use of social media.

Iran has in recent months increased its scrutiny of its citizens\' online activities.

Earlier this month, new restrictions for Internet cafes were announced, which included installing security cameras and collecting the personal data of their customers, who are usually young people.

Last year at least two individuals were sentenced to prison because of their postings on Facebook.

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites among Iranians which they access using antifiltering tools.

Source - RFE/RL