Five Were Arrested in Wurme Province

22:44 - 21 May 2015
Kurdpa: The intelligence agents of the Wurme Province (West Azarbijan) have arrested at least five people, alleged to have been engaged in political activities.

Kurdistan News Agency, Kurdpa has learned of the arrest of five people in the suburb of Wurme city in the last two days.

The five arrested individuals were detained at their residence. They were transferred to an unknown location.

A Kurdpa reporter told: Early this morning, forces form the intelligence office raided the township of “Dizey Mergewer” leading to the arrest of “Diyako Azizi”. His family residence was also thoroughly inspected.

Kurdpa has documented the arrest of four other people in the city of Wurme in the last 5 days, relying on local sources and reporters.
Kurdpa has verified their identity as follow: Akam Abdulahi, Bahman Hashempur,Behzad Armun and Awat Amini.

Some of the relatives of the detainees have confirmed to Kurdpa that Wurme’s intelligence office has arrested the individuals suspecting of having ties to Kurdish exiled opposition groups.

Kurdpa has documented the arrest of nine people in the Kurdish areas within the last month. The other four individuals are identified as Pejman mamadi, Mehram Alkhani, Majid Qulizade and Jamshid.

Kurdpa has reported other arrests in the Kurdish cities of Mahabad, where the recent unrest took place, as well Naghadeh and Piranshar.

Over 200 people were arrested following the unrest in Mahabad and other Kurdish cities in Iran, by security and intelligence forces.

Since the start of the Iranian New Year in March 21 - without considering the mass arrests following the recent unrest - Kurdpa has documented the arrest of 50 Kurds by regime’s security-intelligence agents.

Wurme, or Orumieh in Persian, is a city in and the capital of Wurme (West Azarbijan) Province. Majority of the areas in the province, including the city of Wurme are Kurdish populated areas.

Kurds and Azeri Turks comprise the majority of the population in the province. Lately, Kurdish activists in the province have been petitioning to change the name of the province from West Azerbijan to Wurme.

Wurme is Iran’s 10 most populated cities. Wurme is the 2nd largest city in Iranian Kurdistan after Kermanshah trailed by Sanandaj, Khoy, Ilam, Bukan and Mahabad.

Writing by Kurdpa Staff Writers and editing by Hazhir B.