Execution of two prisoners accused of "murder" in Urmia Central Prison

On the morning of Monday, July 20, two prisoners accused of "murder" named "Asad Keshavarz and Amin Safarkesh" were executed in Urmia Central Prison.
These two prisoners were transferred to solitary confinement on Sunday, July 19, along with another prisoner named Baitullah Motalebi.
Baitullah Motalebi will be returned to the counseling ward after receiving a one-month deadline from blood revenger, and he will be executed if he doesn't able to obtain the victim's family consent.
These three detainees were arrested on charges of "premeditated murder" and later sentenced to retribution (execution) by the judiciary.
Asad Keshavaz was arrested from Ward 1-4 of Urmia Prison 20 years ago and Baitullah Motalebi from ward counseling was arrested ten years ago on charges of "premeditated murder."
The execution of these two prisoners accused of "murder" has not yet been announced by official authorities.