Data show television, internet usage in Iran at all-time highs
11:29 - 14 June 2012

Kurdpa: Two-thirds of Iranian households have access to computers and 39 percent of Iranians surf the Internet weekly, new data gathered for the Broadcasting Board of Governors show.
The findings reveal a technologically connected society with 100% of respondents having a working television in their household, 90% having a working mobile phone in their household, 67% having a working computer in their household and 53% having a working radio in their household. The spread of computer and Internet use is taking place across both genders, the data show, and overall Internet use has doubled in the past 2 years.
According to the finding, satellite dish ownership in households is only at 26%, a figure which does not correlate with reality in Iran, where most Iranians across the country have dishes on their roof tops or in their back yard to take advantage of contents, programs and show which is a rare commodity on state television.
The possible disparity in response to satellite dish ownership could be due to respondents\' fear of satellite dish confiscation where in recent years authorities have ramped up roof-top searches for widespread satellite dishes.
Television continues to be the dominant medium, with 86% of the population using TV as a source of daily news and information. The interviews, according to the finding, have shown Iranians to be savvy consumers of state-controlled news channels. One 2011 research participant said viewers follow state news channels “to evaluate what they are reporting” and “to see what the policy of the government is.”
The Gallup findings claim that domestic media remains most important source of information for Iranians inside Iran. IRIB, the state-controlled media monopoly was rated “very trustworthy” by the respondents in the survey.
“We can tolerate neither domestic TV channels and their news, nor their hosts, nor their studio settings.” However viewers have told Gallup.
It is extremely difficult to have an accurate survey in Iran as respondents fear reprisal thinking the surveyor might be the government itself to entrap people.
The Islamic regime in Iran is very unpopular and the regime has little, if no tolerance, for any dissent.
Private broadcasting in Iran is forbidden and Iran is one of the only countries in the worlds that ban satellite dish ownership in households; furthermore, the Iranian regime has jammed popular external satellite stations such as BBC Persian, VOA among others.
At a recent seminar about the “harming effects” of satellite dishes, held in the city of Qom, researcher Mohammad Reza Khoshrou said that, according to the latest figures, 65 percent of Tehran residents use satellite dishes, according to Radio farad report.
The findings were gathered by Gallup during telephone interviews with 2,000 subjects from all 31 of the country’s provinces during March; however, the data per province was not disclosed in the findings.
The findings reveal a technologically connected society with 100% of respondents having a working television in their household, 90% having a working mobile phone in their household, 67% having a working computer in their household and 53% having a working radio in their household. The spread of computer and Internet use is taking place across both genders, the data show, and overall Internet use has doubled in the past 2 years.
According to the finding, satellite dish ownership in households is only at 26%, a figure which does not correlate with reality in Iran, where most Iranians across the country have dishes on their roof tops or in their back yard to take advantage of contents, programs and show which is a rare commodity on state television.
The possible disparity in response to satellite dish ownership could be due to respondents\' fear of satellite dish confiscation where in recent years authorities have ramped up roof-top searches for widespread satellite dishes.
Television continues to be the dominant medium, with 86% of the population using TV as a source of daily news and information. The interviews, according to the finding, have shown Iranians to be savvy consumers of state-controlled news channels. One 2011 research participant said viewers follow state news channels “to evaluate what they are reporting” and “to see what the policy of the government is.”
The Gallup findings claim that domestic media remains most important source of information for Iranians inside Iran. IRIB, the state-controlled media monopoly was rated “very trustworthy” by the respondents in the survey.
“We can tolerate neither domestic TV channels and their news, nor their hosts, nor their studio settings.” However viewers have told Gallup.
It is extremely difficult to have an accurate survey in Iran as respondents fear reprisal thinking the surveyor might be the government itself to entrap people.
The Islamic regime in Iran is very unpopular and the regime has little, if no tolerance, for any dissent.
Private broadcasting in Iran is forbidden and Iran is one of the only countries in the worlds that ban satellite dish ownership in households; furthermore, the Iranian regime has jammed popular external satellite stations such as BBC Persian, VOA among others.
At a recent seminar about the “harming effects” of satellite dishes, held in the city of Qom, researcher Mohammad Reza Khoshrou said that, according to the latest figures, 65 percent of Tehran residents use satellite dishes, according to Radio farad report.
The findings were gathered by Gallup during telephone interviews with 2,000 subjects from all 31 of the country’s provinces during March; however, the data per province was not disclosed in the findings.