Continuous imprisonment in Iranian Kurdistan

13:27 - 6 August 2016
Kurdpa agency: In the wake of interrogation and summon by the security official in Iranian Kurdistan another three Kurdish citizens from Mahabad, Qurveh and Saqez were apprehended.

According to Kurdpa News agency Iranian security official arrested 35 years old Kurdish citizen from Mahabad. This arrest took place last week in Mahabad. The name of this Kurdish prisoner is FaeqJahani, and he is son of Ali. Since he had been summoned to the News agency (Setad Khabari which is part of Sepah Pasdaran or Revolutionary Guard)in Mahabad, there is no further information about his situation.
According to an associate in Mahabad, despiteof Faeq’s family effort to find out about his present situation there has been no result but a security reasons for his arrest, which has been indicated by the intelligent official via telephone conversation. The same associate said that also accusing this Kurdish citizen of his affiliation with Kurdish opposition parties is also expected.

Another Kurdish citizen named Arash Hussein Panahi was also arrested on 3rd of August in Qurve. He was then transferred to the central prison in Qurveh after being summoned and interrogated by the intelligent officials in Dehgolan village. This is the second time that Arash has been summoned and arrested by the intelligent official within the last 10 days.

Further more,a report from Saqez suggested that a young woman has been arrested for 20 days on July14th, since then there is no clear information about her present situation. Sahar Fayzi, 24 year female student in Tabriz University was arrested in her father’s (Mustafa) house in Saqez and she was taken to anonymous location. Some intelligent officers have told the family of Saharthat she was transferred to central prison in Sanandaj however the

Prison officials have declared that she is not in the custody of this prison.

Previously eight Kurdish citizens had been arrested in Salas Bawejani region. Their fate is still shrouded in mystery.

Within the last two months more than a dozen Kurdish citizens in the City of Oshnavieh, Sanandaj, Marivan, Mahabad, Salas Bawejani, Noudeshe, Saqez, Bukan, Sarvabad, Sardasht and Dehgolan have been apprehended and been transferred to solitary confinement in the Ministry of intelligent service detention Centre in these cities.