Continued Attacks on Kolbars Takes More Lives

03:28 - 18 August 2015
Kurdpa: Two more courier workers (Kolbar) have been shot by Iranian Border Guards in border areas close to Sardasht.

Kurdpa has learned that on August 7, Iranian Border Guards in the border town of Sardasht, fired on two Kurdish Kolbars, killing one and seriously injuring another. A Kurdpa reporter has confirmed the identity of the dead Kolbar as M. H.

A source in Sardasht told Kurdpa that the murdered Kolbar was married and had four children. He worked as a Kolbar to make a living. The Guards fired on the two Kolbars without any early warning, the source added.

Earlier, in two separate armed attacks on a caravan of Kolbars in Nowsud and Piranshar, two kolbars were seriously injured. 105 horses, belonging to the Kolbars, were also slaughtered during the Piranshar attack. In the Nowsud attack, Revolutionary Guards Corps confiscated 250 million toman ($80,000 US) worth of goods.

The lack of employment opportunities, weak economic infrastructure and development has resulted in high poverty rates in the Kurdish region of Iran. To support their families, many are left with no choice but to accept theses dangerous labour conditions.

Kurdpa has thus far documented the deaths of 13 Kolbars and 14 injured since March 21, 2015 – the start of the Iranian New year of 1394.

Writing by Kurdpa Staff Writers and editing by Sharmin Hassaniani.


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