Continuation of public protests in Marivan and sharp reaction of government officials

Kurdpa Agency: Protest rallies in Marivan in protest of increasing feul price has sparked a sharp reaction from the IRGC and Iranian law enforcement.
According to a report by the Kurdistan Press Agency, on Sunday, November 17th, protesters in Marivan held a peaceful rally in Mamosta Qane (Jihad) Square, where the Revolutionary Guards and law enforcement officers fired at them.
According to an informed source, one citizen was killed and dozens were injured in a direct gunfire by Iranian government troops.
The wounded citizens refused to go to medical centers for medical treatment for fear of being arrested and for life security, the source said.
The Marivan Medical Centers are now under the strict control of the Intelligence Forces and the Revolutionary Guards.
The informed source said protesters burnt down Melat and Melli Banks in Jihad Square.
Similarly, according to reports received by the Kurdpa Agency, there were widespread protests in the cities of Sanandaj and Bokan that were violently interfered with by Iranian government forces.
Government agents used nonstandard tear gas and shotguns to disperse the people.
The Kalashnikov and shotguns weapons were also used by government agents to shoot directly at the protesters.
Several banks were set on fire by protesters and declared martial law throughout the city, a Kurdish correspondent in Bokan reported.
There are no exact statistics on the victims of the Sanandaj and Bokan rallies as the moment of publication of this news.