Brutal Attacks on Two More Courier Workers

04:05 - 8 August 2015
Kurdpa: Armed assaults on Kurdish courier workers (Kolbars) continues, and the latest ambush and direct shootings targeting kolbars in Piranshar and Nowsud injured two.

Kurdistan Press Agency, Kurdpa, has learned that on July 29 a group of kolbars came under attack by Revolutionary Guards at Sarbzer, an area between Shino and Piranshar.

Two kolbars were critically injured following the direct shootings; 105 horses, belonging to the kolbars, were also slaughtered during the attack.

In a similar attack on kolbars in Nosud borderous region of Paweh, Revolutionary Guards Corps confiscated 250 million toman ($80,000 US) worth of goods.

The attacks occurred in Qalaga-Shexan and Duawan highlands where the Guards from Shushme and Shexam bases surrounded the kolbars for 48 hours.

Two weeks earlier, Siamand Ahmadi, a kolbar from Pirsnshar died in a Wurme hospital from his injuries as a result of an attack by Iranian regime forces.

The lack of employment opportunities, weak economic infrastructure and development has resulted in high poverty rates in the Kurdish region of Iran. To support their families, many are left with no choice but to accept theses dangerous labour conditions.

Kurdpa has thus far documented the deaths of 12 Kolbars and 13 injured since March 21, 2015 – the start of the Iranian New year of 1394.

Writing by Kurdpa Staff Writers and editing by Sharmin Hassaniani.


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