Baneh: Another Acid Attack on Women in Eastern Kurdistan

07:55 - 21 August 2015
Kurdpa: In another incident involving acid attack on women, a Kurdish woman was taken to hospital, seriously injured

Kurdpa has learned that on August 11, a woman bystander from the Kurdish city of Baneh was acid attacked by four unidentified people on Kamarbandi Street in Baneh.

A source aware of the incident identified the victim’s identity as 27-year old Afsaneh Qorbani.

The source also revealed to Kurdpa that the victim was under treatment in Sina Hospital.

On Tuesday July 14, in simultaneous attacks, three women became the targets of vicious acid attacks in the city of Bokan at a busy intersection.

Ali Ismaelnizhad, a political activist living outside of Iran and the brother of one of the acid attack victims in Bokan, told Kurdpa that the assailants were the same ‘morality police’ deployed to create fear among people. He reported that his family has been continuously pressured and threatened by the authorities due to his political activities, orientation and involvement.

The acid attack took place at a busy intersection, and emphasized that only those close to the authorities can carry out such a vicious attack with so many people around and get away with it, said Ali Ismaelnizhad.

Following the acid attacks, a peaceful protest against the attacks was organized, leading to the arrests of six people by plainclothes security forces.

In 2014, a series of acid attacks that took place in the major cities of Isfahan and Tehran sparked horror and outrage. The victims reportedly stated those responsible for the attack were the Basijis and the morality police.

Reports indicated those responsible for the attack were later identified and were not charged or arrested.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, volunteer basij militia operate as the self-appointed guardians of Islamic behaviour with full support of the powerful Revolutionary Guards and Moral Police. It is inevitable that suspicions for these acid attacks on innocent women fall on such religious vigilante groups.

Clerics and security officials often publicly call for stricter enforcement measures to restrict inappropriately worn headscarves by women, which often result in mass arrests, harassments and public humiliations.

The 2014 attacks in central Iran coincided with the passage of a new parliamentary bill that allowed private citizens to enforce morality laws.

Writing by Kurdpa Staff Writers and editing by Hazhir B.


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