Bail request for the release of “No To Death Tanker” campaign activists

14:56 - 8 October 2016
Kurdpa agency: Iranian judiciary have ordered a significant amount of bail for the release of “No To Death Tanker” campaign activists.

Kurdpa News Agency learnt that judiciary in Mariwan (Kurdish city in Iranian Kurdistan) have ordered the amount of 50M Toman (Nearly 15k US Dollars) to be paid for the release of each activist, affiliated with “NO TO DEATH TANKER” campaign.

According to Kurdpa News Agency arrested activists who involved in the campaign of “NO TO DEATH TANKER” were transferred to the central prison in Mariwan. This caused a massive protest by the civil activist in Mariwan.

Civil activists in Mariwan said that what has been happening to this country (Iran). They also announced that this is preposterous when people are arrested for a peaceful protest against the deadly condition of the city’s road and detainees have to be bail out.

On Thursday October 06, the intelligent officials in Mariwan arrested five activists of “NO TO DEATH TANKER” campaign , named Artin Hasan-Zadeh, Bahareh Arefi shaykh, Sayran Khorenka, Rojin Razaee and Adel Rashidi.

These activists had organized a campaign named “NO TO DEATH TANKER” to protest against the condition of deadly roads in Mariwan.

They have demanded a solution for the problems caused by the fuel Tankers that use these roads and has intimidated the daily lives of local Kurdish citizen in Mariwan.