As a result of Mortar explosion five children hospitalized in Mehran + Names

12:02 - 9 March 2015
Kurdpa agency: Due to an explosion of previously undischarged mortar projectile five Kurdish students were severely injured in the border region of Ilam province.

According to kurdpa news agency yesterday at 5 pm five Kurdish students were injured due to a mortar projectile explosion in Qaleh Kenjan cham within Mehran region.

Kurdpa’s reporter in Ilam revealed the identity of these students as: Amir Muhammad 8 years old, Amir Hussein Paykan 11 years old, son of Yadollah, Muhammad and Mehdi Babakhani 7 and 8 years old son of Alimardan, and finally Hadi Melkiyan 10 years old, son of Akram. This incident took place after school hours while students were playing games.

One of the wounded children after explosion
Qaleh Kenjan Cham is located 15km away north of Mehran on the way to Kerbala rout in Mehran –Ilam Road. General conditions of two of these students are in critical situation.

An expert in removing landmine told Kurdpa: Due to 80% extension of body burn the mortar projectile might have been Dood za (smoke maker) type. These five Kurdish students were involved in this incident nearby Kanjam Cham castle in Mehran. They were then taken to hospital for medical treatment.

Previously after the same type of incident 7 children between 8 and 10 years old had been injured in Neshkash village within Mariwan region
During the same type of incident and the explosion of a landmine in the remote barracks belong to Sepah Pasdaran 7 children (8-10 YEARS OLD) were injured. This incident took place in Nashkash village within Mariwan region.

Referring to Kurdpa news agency statistic centre from the April 2013 onwards 101 people have been victims of landmine and warfare ammunition explosion. These explosions have been taken place in various locations including Kurdistan province, Kermansha, West Azerbaijan and Ilam. 17 people under 15 years old are among these victims.

According to Kurdp News agency statistic centre during the last month 5 Kurdish citizens in Iranian Kurdistan lost their lives due to landmine and undischarged ammunition left over from war.