As a result of Iran forces shooting two Kurdish Kolbar were shot dead and wounded in Urmia

15:44 - 24 June 2017
Kurdpa Agency: Two Kurdish Kolbar were shot dead and injured by Iran forces stationed on the borders of Urmia-Kurdistan and Turkey.

According to reports received by Kurdistan Press Agency (Kurdpa) on the evening of 22 June, two Kurdish Kolbar were shot dead and wounded on the border between Urmia and Turkey as a result of direct shootings of the Iran regime forces.

Kurdpa’s reporter in the city reported that \"Murad Arabi\", age 34 father of three, son of Tajidalin from \"Anbi\" from the Tirgawar district is the name of the dead Kolbar.

The reporter also stated that the incident happened in \"Kndaluk\" on the border of Urmia and Turkey.

The reporter also reported that another Kolber by the name of \"Kardeen Arabpour\" son of Qassim was injured.

According to an informed source, the body of the deceased Kolbar is still on the boder of Turkey.

On Thursday, 22 June, a Kolbar named \"Mohammad Mussaalifard (Daberan)\" died due to the direct shooting of the Iranian government\'s law enforcement at the Najafi base in Piranshahr.

In the past few days, 250 Kurdish political and civil activists from Iran\'s Kurdistan in a statement declared their deep concerns on the increased violence employed by the Iran regime forces in their treatment of the Kolbars.

These Kurdish cultural activists believe that the indiscriminate shootings of Kolbars by the Iran forces has led to ongoing tragic events.
