Another two Kurdish citizens of Iran were executed

16:28 - 13 December 2016
Kurdpa agency: As a part of continuous execution of Kurdish citizens in Iran another two, were sentenced to death by hanging. Both judiciary in Kermanshah and Salmas ordered these sentences.

According to Kurdpa News agency a Kurdish citizen of Iran was executed at late night of December 7th 2016 in Salmas of the West Azerbaijan province in Iran. The victim is named Ali Chartaq son of Bayram, born in 1984. He was from Qezel-kand village of Salams region. This Kurdish prisoner alongside another four was accused of drug dealing in 2011 in Qezel-kand village. The Revolutionary court in Salmas then sentenced them to death.

Kurdpa learnt that before executing Ali Chartaq he was transferred to solitary confinement on last Tuesday. According to Kurdpa, officials had allowed the family of victim to visit him prior execution.

Ali Chartaq
According to the same report another four detainees known for political activities background were however arrested due to drug dealing. This is deemed to be a substantiate accusation in which authority have used to defame the detainees. Kurdpa has previously named them as Sami Mamandi, Bakhtiyar Khalidi, Shoresh Faruqi and Iraj Hamidi. Kurdpa has previously published these names nearly a month ago.

Further to this report a Kurdish citizen of Iran named Ali Akbar Karami was also executed in Dizel-Abad prison in Kermanshah. Ali Akbar Karami is from Kangaver of Kermanshah province. He had previously been Sentenced to death on the basis of Family conflict and murdering his paternal cousin back in 2013.

During 2015 between 966 and 1054 people were executed in Iran, which is the highest rate during the last two decays.