A Kurdish Kolbar was shotgunned by government troops at the Nowsud border

20:35 - 4 May 2019
Kurdpa Agency: A Kurdish Kolbar from the Javanrud died in direct shootings by government troops at the Nowsud border.

According to a report by the Kurdistan Press Agency, on Saturday morning, May 4th, a group of Kurdish Kolbars were shot by government troops in Nowsud border and as a result, a Kolbar called \"Sadegh Azizi\" from the village of Bivana, Kalashi District, Javanrud, lost his life.

This group of Kolbars have been shot directly by government troops stationed at Shooshmi outpost from Nowsud District.

the Kolbar\'s body in this accident was transferred to Paveh\'s forensic and has not been delivered to his family yet.

In this regard, on Friday, April 26th, a Kurdish Kolbar named \"Hamed Aslan\", 32, who was from the village of Biran, Sardasht, was wounded by direct shootings of the military strikes.

This Kolbar was shot directly targeting by the government troops at a place called \"Zinwi Kowan\" near the village of Bitush.