A backpack carrier fell from High Mountain, therefore he was severely injured
20:21 - 18 February 2017

Kurdpa agency: A Kurdish backpack carrier fell from mountains region in Sardasht. He was severely injured and his is in critical condition.
According to Kurdpa News agency on Saturday Feb 9th, 2017 a Kurdish backpack carrier fell off mountain in Alan district of Sardasht and was badly injured. The local villagers in then transferred him to a hospital in Sardasht. Kurdpa named this backpack carrier as Khalid Qaremani from Naqadeh. Due to a sever injuries he was later transferred to medical centre in Urmieh. He was allegedly suffering from concussion and he is under treatment in ICU.
Every year more than hundreds of backpack carrier losing their lives due to gunfire by the Iranian armed forces, avalanche, falling from mountain and pursued by armed forces. Vast majority of them are killed by direct gunfire, shot by the Iranian armed forces. Most of the victims are from Mariwan, Sardasht, Oshnaveh, baneh, piranshah, Nousod and Jawanroud.
Referring to statistic centre in Kurdpa in 2016, 51 backpack carrier were killed and another 71 were injured in the Iranian Kurdistan.
According to Kurdpa News agency on Saturday Feb 9th, 2017 a Kurdish backpack carrier fell off mountain in Alan district of Sardasht and was badly injured. The local villagers in then transferred him to a hospital in Sardasht. Kurdpa named this backpack carrier as Khalid Qaremani from Naqadeh. Due to a sever injuries he was later transferred to medical centre in Urmieh. He was allegedly suffering from concussion and he is under treatment in ICU.

Referring to statistic centre in Kurdpa in 2016, 51 backpack carrier were killed and another 71 were injured in the Iranian Kurdistan.